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How to Keep Your Pool Clean

There are a variety of ways you can keep your pool in tip top condition. Some of them are as simple as skimming it by hand and others require the use of a specialized tool. No matter what your maintenance method, there are several important points to keep in mind.

Skimming the surface by hand

Skimming the surface of a pool is an important step in maintaining its cleanliness. It helps to remove floating debris, pollen, and other unwanted particles. It also promotes the efficiency of the circulation system.

A good way to do this is with a hand skimmer. This tool is a long plastic stick with a basket weave net attached at one end. This is a much simpler option than using a rake. The skimmer also saves you time because it doesn't require frequent emptying.

Another method is to use a self-guiding skimmer. This works like the Roomba, moving across the pool's surface as you brush it.

Regardless of the skimmer you choose, it's important to keep it clean. This keeps it in good shape and reduces the amount of chlorine needed.

Brushing the walls and tile

Cleaning the walls and tile during pool maintenance will help keep your swimming pool looking fresh and clean. Often times, calcium deposits can build up on your tile. There are a few easy ways to get rid of them.

The first way to deal with calcium deposits is to use a pumice stone. This is a natural rock from volcanic eruptions that will break up and dislodge the deposits. You can buy pumice stones at your local pool store.

Another option for cleaning the tiles is pressure washing. You can rent a pressure washer and remove dirt, mould and other built-up debris. This is a good, low-cost way to clean your pool. However, you should only use it on tile that is solid and not cracked or loose.

Cleaning out strainer baskets

It is important to clean out your pool pump strainer basket on a regular basis. This helps to improve circulation and filtration. In addition, it prevents the basket from getting too full. A clogged basket can cause the pump to work harder, which may shorten its lifespan.

In order to clean out a pump pot basket, you need a cordless screwdriver, a slot-type blade, a cloth towel, a pipe cleaner, and a bit of grit.

It is also possible to use a handheld skimmer to help you get rid of debris. If your pool is located in an outdoor setting, you can also remove floating debris using a leaf rake or telepole. You should be careful to avoid sharp surfaces and WD40.

To do a proper job, you should always follow the instructions given. This will ensure that you do not damage your pump or create an airlock.

Maintaining pH levels

If you have a swimming pool, you should always make sure that its pH levels are balanced. Too low of a pH level can cause scale buildup and can corrode metals on your pool. If the pH is too high, the water may cause irritation to swimmers and could also lead to cloudy water.

The best way to check the pH of your pool is to use a pH tester. There are many different types available, including ones that are digital. Some have apps that allow you to keep track of your pH level.

If you have too basic or too acidic of a pH, the chlorine will not work effectively. This can cause irritation to the eyes and nose and can even be harmful to the skin.

Creating a maintenance schedule

Keeping your pool in top shape is important. A properly maintained pool will save you money in the long run. You can use a pool maintenance schedule to help you get started.

A good pool maintenance schedule should include daily, monthly, and weekly tasks. You will need to consider factors like time, frequency, and location. If you own an above-ground pool, you'll have to spend some cash and time to keep it in tip-top shape.

A pool maintenance schedule is the best way to keep track of your pool's needs. You may also want to ask your household members to take care of the chores on your behalf. If you don't have time to do it yourself, you can hire a professional.

To keep your pool in prime condition, you should run the pump a few times each day. This will help reduce the amount of chemicals you'll have to use. However, you'll want to be careful to make sure you're not overdoing it.